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Save the lonely mouth

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 The body needs nutrients mainly through three meals a day, but snacks save the lonely mouth.

  Sometimes we eat snacks from our mouth. We eat when we walk, when we work, when we watch TV, when we chat. This snack instead of staple food, snacks affect the dinner. How to eat snacks?

  Always remember: snacks are non-staple food. We know that the digestive system works regularly. When a certain amount of food is eaten, the stomach will feel full. At this point, we have no desire for food. After a period of time, the food is basically emptied, the gastrointestinal peristalsis is about to speed up, and the brain sends out a signal - I'm hungry. At this point, people will appear hungry, mouth began to be lonely. We need to find something to comfort the mouth, the good way is to eat snacks. To the doctrine yo, eat snacks can not dominate, or it will affect health.

  Between the two meals, about 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., it has been more than 2 hours since the dinner time. After work, there will be a slight sense of hunger. If you can eat some snacks in an appropriate amount, it will prevent hunger and increase nutrition, and will not affect the dinner eating.

  Whenever your mouth is lonely, find some snacks, comfort your mouth, add a little nutrition and happiness of work.

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